
Lara Trump Boasts RNC Will Have ‘People Who Can Physically Handle Ballots’ on Election Day

‘These are volunteers, most of these people’
By Grabien Staff


L. TRUMP: "I mean, I think it's been four and a half weeks now since Michael Whatley, the chairman, and I have been at the RNC. And obviously, we’ve been working really hard. I think the most recent thing to report is that we are working hard on election integrity, and we just announced last week that we have 100,000 committed people who are going to be trained as poll workers. So, Eric, leading up to this election, I think we can all see the most important thing — aside from getting out the vote — is protecting that vote. We now have the ability at the RNC not just to have poll watchers, people standing in polling locations, but people who can physically handle the ballots.” 

(Via Mediaite)

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