
Laura Coates Cuts off Trump Sr. Surrogate for Saying Kamala Harris ‘Did Run as Indian-American’

‘Excuse me’
By Grabien Staff


COATES: “So, the answer to your question as it relates to that, you know, we all know, when Vice President Kamala Harris ran for attorney general, and you can fact-check me on this, news outlets said she‘s the first Indian American. She did run as Indian American, okay? And then she was chosen for the vice president nominee as the candidate for Joe Biden, and he was told that you will get a black woman, so then she said, 'Well, here is a black woman.' So in all fairness, when she asked that question to President Trump, that‘s a valid answer because that‘s based on her, where she was in her life, what she chose to be at that time. So that‘s where that answer comes in. So, she‘s the one that did this. She‘s the one that did it."


COATES: "Hold on one second. I want to just make clear, I know we're on this panel — excuse me — "

LEVELL: "But it's true."

COATES: "Excuse me, sir, do not overtalk me — no, no, I'm going to give you an opportunity to speak. Excuse me, do not overtalk me on my program.”

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