
Lemon, Cuomo: Raffensperger Is a Man of Faith While ‘Bible Boy’ Marco Rubio Never Speaks the Truth

‘It was very gutsy’


CUOMO: "I think you nail what we have to focus on also. Look, Trump, I believe, will be remembered as the worst. We’ve never seen anybody abuse the office the way he has — not in our lifetime. But the people, those who remain, the Kevin McCarthys, the people in the House, the people in the Senate —"
LEMON: "Embarrassing, embarrassing."
CUOMO: " — who are enabling this, who are complicit in it, you know, the man he called Lyin' Ted, the man he called Little Marco —"
LEMON: "Little Marco."
CUOMO: " — Mr. Bible Boy. You know, he’s got a Bible quote for every moment, he just never speaks truth to power or acts on any of it in the interest of his own state or of this country. They remain, and they all know what they’re doing is bogus.” 

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