
Leo Terrell: Gov. Abbott Has a Constitutional Right to Protect His State from Unlawful Entry of Migrants

‘This is an army of illegal migrants coming to the country without permission, an unlawful intrusion’
By Grabien Staff


TERRELL: “Governor Abbott is doing everything possible. This is why he's invoking Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution. There is an invasion going on. And I want to make sure the Fox viewers understand. This is not a military war invasion, this is an army of illegal migrants coming to the country without permission. An unlawful intrusion, Sandra. And what is happening is there is a response by Governor Abbott, not by President Biden, who is admitted that the border is not secure, he's taking his constitutional right to protect the citizens of Texas. He has a right to protect his -- his state from unlawful entry, Sandra.”


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