
Leo Terrell: Kamala Harris Is ‘the Most Radical, Extremist, Socialist Candidate Ever’

‘Let’s bring her on to this program’
By Grabien Staff


TERRELL: “Absolutely. And let me just be very clear to my colleague over there. Kamala Harris got zero votes. She was selected or appointed by the Hollywood elite, George Clooney. She got no votes. But he’s talking about policy? Okay, I got some receipts and some video. What’s Kamala Harris’ position on illegal immigration? She wanted to decriminalize it. She believes in defunding the police. While doesn’t she talk about her policies? She’s against private health insurance. She wants to take our guns. Now, I haven’t heard a peep from you or from Kamala Harris about those items. Let’s bring her on to this program. Let’s, Trace, ask her about her policies. If you haven’t seen her policies, I got video tape. She will not talk about her policies because she is the most radical, extremist, socialist candidate ever, sir, and you know that.”

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