
Leo Terrell on California’s New Reparations Bill: I Believe it’s ‘Unconstitutional’

‘The Democratic Party wants to shackle us to government assistance’
By Grabien Staff


TERRELL: “You're absolutely right. First of all, reparations for damages arising from slavery, where’s the evidence of individual harm to Americans who are living today in California? Again, California, Lawrence, was never a slave state, so this reparation issue I believe is unconstitutional and violates the equal protection. But this list, this wish list, I am black, I don't want any of these things. Who do they speak to?"

JONES: "None of us."

TERRELL: "What black Americans do they speak to. I saw your last segment. This is pure Democratic identity politics, which is what is turning black Americans off. I don’t accept any of this, I think it's wrong, and I think the Democrats are just trying to cling to blacks to basically stay in their party. You lose the black vote in the Democratic Party, you'll have no Democratic Party.”

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