
Leo Terrell: Progressives Want Us to Live with Criminals in Our Neighborhoods

‘It is progressive criminal justice’
By Grabien Staff


TERRELL: “You know what he’s wearing right now? That monster is wearing a spit mask right now. That’s not a Covid mask. That’s a spit mask, because of his outrageous conduct. And the defense attorney, Sandra, did not do an opening statement. Why? Let me be as clear as possible, 35 years of practicing law. That guy is going to be found guilty. Not even a question. He left a recording of his — of his horrific crime at the scene. DNA, forensic evidence. It is a slam dunk case. But this goes much bigger. It is an indictment against progressive District Attorney. And one last statement. The progressives want us to coexist, to live with criminals in our neighborhoods, in our schools, in our retail stores, in our hospitals. They want us to coexist. That doesn’t make sense, Sandra.”

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