
Leo Terrell: Prosecution Is Trying to Portray Michael Cohen as a ‘Criminal Robin Hood’

‘There are two lawyers on that jury and they will neutralize this unfairness exhibited by the judge in this far ranged discretion by the prosecution’
By Grabien Staff


TERRELL: “Sandra, he — he’s portraying Michael Cohen as a criminal Robin Hood. But let me be very clear, all our legal experts, we have to address one key issue. There are two lawyers on that jury, Sandra, and they’re going to neutralize this unfairness exhibited by the judge and this far-range discretion by the prosecution. Those two lawyers, not only have an ethical obligation to evaluate the facts, but they have an ethical obligation to make sure fairness takes place. And I’m telling you, unlike any other trial, you have two lawyers in there, and those two lawyers, if they do the right thing, they’ll see through this judge, they’ll see through the politics and they’ll do the right thing. Those two lawyers are the key to an acquittal or a hung jury.”

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