
Leo Terrell: Young Black American Voters Are Rejecting Racism Card; They Are Going for Trump’s Economic Policies 

‘Trump economic policies are color blind, they work for all Americans’
By Grabien Staff


TERRELL: "And let me give you some facts. Black Americans under 30 are not drinking the Democrat kool-aid. Stu, the Democrats want black Americans to think that we’re still in 1965, that we’re in the Civil Rights Movement, and that is totally rejected by young black Americans. Trump has basically offered the same policies for all Americans. They want to have a job. They want to buy a house. They want a secure border. And what black Americans, young black Americans are saying, is they’re rejecting the Democrat kool-aid. They don’t believe that they wake up with racism. I want to be very clear on this: there is no systemic racism in America. Racism, yes, but not government-sponsored racism. That is gone. And that does not work in buying young black Americans. They reject the racism card, and they’re going to Trump economic policies."

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