
Litman on SCOTUS Delayed Immunity Ruling: They Quickly Restored Trump to the Ballot in Time for Super Tuesday

‘And they did so within 50 some days’
By Grabien Staff


LITMAN: "So, possible good-faith explanations include the cases argued in April, the Supreme Court still has cases outstanding from when they heard arguments in December, just yesterday it resulted case that was argued in November, so it’s not surprising a case in April would fall to the bottom of the barrel as far as cases that end up being resolved closer to the term, but there are many reasons to think insufficient to explain what’s going on here given how quickly they were solved with Colorado ’s case in favor of Donald Trump. There they quickly restored Donald Trump to the ballot in time for super Tuesday, and they did so within 50 some days of deciding to hear the case, and here, it’s been over 100 days since they decided to take the immunity case, and Jack Smith asked them to take it up two months before, so they have been delaying this case and acted much more quickly and many others."

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