
Liz Cheney on the House Republican Dysfunction: It’s a Direct Result of Kevin McCarthy Embracing Donald Trump

‘And the GOP’s most radical and extreme members’
By Grabien Staff


CHENEY: "Look, I think what you're seeing right now among the Republicans in the House is a direct result of the decisions that Kevin McCarthy made to embrace Donald Trump, to embrace the most radical and extreme members of our party, to elevate them. So it's not a surprise that we are where we are, but it's a disgrace, and it's an embarrassment. And there certainly are serious people among the Republicans. I hope that one of them — particularly, I think it's important somebody not be an election denier. And I also think everybody should be asked tomorrow night at the candidate forum about this issue of Ukraine assistance, and they should be asked from the perspective of, we face a global challenge, an existential threat. And how in the world could anybody defend, at this moment, surrendering to one of our adversaries by walking away from Ukraine?"

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