
Liz Cheney: ‘There’s No Question that [Fox] Played a Damaging and Dangerous Role in Spreading the Big Lie’

‘I used to work for Fox’
By Grabien Staff


CHENEY: “I used to work for Fox. And in many ways, you know, I remember my time at Fox was a time when Charles Krauthammer was alive, was with us, was one of the leading voices, maybe the conscience of Fox News. Of course, sadly, we’ve lost him. But the extent to which time and time again they have spread lies, clearly our media has a hugely important role to play here. I hope that Fox will begin to come around. I hope that they’ll recognize the power that they have and the importance of the truth. But I question very much what I understood to be this decision that they were not going to air, you know, what I had proposed, what I had spoken to former Speaker Ryan about, this documentary about the truth, defeating the big lie, but yet, they did go ahead and air Patriot Purge.”

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