
Loesch on CRT: ‘There Are More Minority Parents Speaking out than White Parents’

‘There are a lot of white parents that are just still waking up to this’


LOESCH: "A new talking point is out as it relates to parents who object to critical race theory. I have spoken to parents on air and off air about their efforts to battle critical race Theory in their areas. And I’m going to -- and I don’t keep track of stuff like this, because I just care about dedicated passion of parents and the points that they make, but the left does. Well, actually the left does and they purposefully hide it. Because the way that media and Marxists are portraying this as that it’s all white parents who are objecting -- objecting to CRT. And I’m going to tell you folks that is not my experience. And I’m going to be very, very honest. In my experience, and I have spoken to a number of parents on these airwaves, on 'No Apologies,' that airs on The First later in the day, separate hour of content, from 5 to 6 pm central, I actually know of more minority parents that have been objecting to this than white parents. And in my experience -- and please do not perceive this to be some sort of slight -- let’s all -- you know, we're rational people, right we are not the left. I think that there are a lot of white parents that are just still waking up to this, not that there is an apathy, but that -- because those parents aren't apathetic in dealing with this, I think that there is an idea that, if it would have gotten as far as it would to constitute a threat to their children’s education, they would have known, right? So I can't classify that as -- as apathy. But I will say that minority parents have been very vocal about this, particularly parents whose families come from areas where they have seen this firsthand, they’ve seen tyranny firsthand. They have seen suppression firsthand. They have seen dictatorships firsthand. They’ve lived it, they know it, they know the warning signs. They are experts in this. And they’re warning everyone else you all need to wake up. You need to wake up and see what is happening here." 

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