
Maddow on NBC News Rescinding Ronna McDaniel Contract: ‘It’s Not About Hiring Somebody with Trump Ties’

‘That leadership was willing to change on this, and I’m grateful to them’
By Grabien Staff


MADDOW: "But I will just say that journalists are a fractious bunch, and in our big company, with all sorts of different journalistic entities, you have all sorts of different people working in this business, doing all sorts of different work. And to see essentially the unanimous feeling among all the journalists in this building and all of the senior staff and all the producers and everybody in this building about this was one thing. But then to see the executives and the leadership hear that and respond to it and be willing to change course based on it, based on their respect for us and hearing what we argued, I have deep respect for that. I mean what I said on the air last night on my show, that I think acknowledging that you might have gotten something wrong is a real sign of strength, a real show of strength. I think it’s a show of strength and I think it's a show of respect for the people who work at this company and who make us who we are. That leadership was willing to change on this, and I’m grateful to them. You know, it’s not about hiring a Republican, it's not even about hiring someone who has Trump ties. This was a really specific case because of Ms. McDaniel's — her involvement in the election interference stuff. And I’m grateful that our leadership was willing to do the, I think, the bold, strong, resilient thing."

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