
Mara Gay on J.D. Vance Slamming Harris: ‘When All Else Fails, Just Try Racism’

‘Republicans in 2024 — their first instinct is just to be racist and sexist’
By Grabien Staff


GAY: "You know, I guess in not quite knowing what the line of attack should be, the Republicans in 2024, their first instinct is just to be racist and sexist. I guess that’s, like, a tick that they’ve developed at this point. You know, the problem for J.D. Vance and for the Trump campaign is that anybody who — any voter who is going to be responding to that by voting for them was probably not going to vote for the Democrats anyway. So what they’re actually doing is they are motivating every Democratic voter, every fence sitter, every independent voter, and people who just are disgusted by racism and sexism and want a multi-racial democracy continue to the polls. When the AKAs hear that, they’re going to March in formation to the poll. So that’s the contribution that J.D. Vance is making. Saying you should be grateful for this country, it’s just — all that is a dog whistle, calling her uppity. Every black voter in America knows that. This is really not helping his case. But I guess that's just their go-to line. When all else fails, just try racism."

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