
Marc Elias: ‘Republicans, Their Plan for November Is to Make It Harder to Vote and Easier to Cheat’

‘The harder to vote is the voter suppression tactics, the voter intimidation’
By Grabien Staff


ELIAS: “So, look, we have to keep in mind two things. The first is that Republicans, their plan for November is to make it harder to vote and easier to cheat. The harder to vote is the voter suppression tactics, the voter intimidation, the efforts to prevent every eligible citizen from being able to cast their ballot and have it count. The easier to cheat is the stuff after the election, where they want to try to rig the rules through state legislatures and the like to try to undermine the will of the people. We have to be very clear-eyed that that’s their strategy. The second thing, though, Nicolle, and this is — I’m speaking now to the business community and everyone else. The fight for democracy is a fight of our time.”

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