
Marc Polymeropoulos on Israel Intel Failure: There Is Gonna Be Some Responsiblity When the Dust Settles

‘They have to learn from this’
By Grabien Staff


POLYMEROPOULOS: “And really looking at this, I think you also have to move past only Israel’s culpability, too. This is a regional intelligence failure. What about the Egyptians, who have very strong inroads and a strong intelligence service, but inroads with Hamas? What about the Qataris? Again, the Jordanians with a huge Palestinian population, their sources in the region? So, as I look back at what occurred, it's shocking. It was an operation with a thousand militants, a multi-domain attack, air, sea and land attack, that took a lot of training and practice, certainly with external help from Iran. How this was missed, you know, it's almost like a plane crash. A lot of factors. The Israelis will do a commission, just like they did after 1973. There is no doubt there is going to be some forensics on this. They have to learn from this and they have to, as they’re doing now, pick themselves up by the bootstraps, kind of get on after it. There’s a lot to do for them. I sympathize with the Israeli security establishment, but there’s going to be some accountability when the dust settles here."

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