
Maria Cardona: Trump’s Latino Support Not as High as Portrayed by the Media

‘Latino families are looking for somebody that is going to fight for them every single day’
By Grabien Staff


CARDONA: "Look, Alex, I think we need to level set. Trump certainly has grown his support among some within the Latino community, but it certainly is not what the media and some others make it out to be. And in fact, if you look at polling that is done by actual pollsters who know how to pull the Latino community, she is consolidating her support at two-thirds of Latinos around the country and in swing states that are supporting her, she‘s going to do more. She‘s going to continue to do more. She‘s got to do more with Latino men. They just announced Hombres con Kamala, and she‘s going to continue to reach out to Latino men where they are and talk about the issues that they care about most. But look, I think what‘s important in last night‘s town hall, she hit it out of the park, Latino families are looking for somebody that is going to fight for them every single day. There‘s only one candidate in this race that wakes up every day and will fight for the issues that Latino families care about most, you have another candidate in Donald Trump that will only seek to separate families to rip babies from the arms of their mother and do absolutely nothing to help Latino families do better in this country."

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