
Mark Levin: Durham Report ‘Seals the American Stasi;’ Congress Must Slash FBI Funding

‘In every step of the way, this FBI ignored evidence’
By Grabien Staff


LEVIN: “Hundred per cent correct. The Republican Party needs to understand something as to the American people. This massive federal ed fist that has been built in Washington, D.C. works for the Democrat Party w. we have Republican presidents they’ll sabotage them leak against them. With Democrat presidents you don’t see that kind of behavior. They enlist the bureaucracy to irregular laigsz and rules and to sic their political opponents. This report right here the dorm report is actually very important because it gives the sishl seal to what is the American stasi. In every step of the way the FBI ignored evidence did not get corroborating evidenced no evidence did everything it could to protect Hillary Clinton and did everything it could to destroy Donald Trump. It false feed information. They were told not to take notes. They had no basis whatsoever for unleashing their investigation. This country went through this for over two years. It sparked the Mueller investigation and Donald Trump is a victim and he’s the greatest victim in American political history, and here’s the problem, America.”

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