
Mark Levin Says Democratic Party ‘Is the New Confederacy’ After Trump’s NY Conviction: ‘This Needs to Be Fought!’

‘It was the old Confederacy’
By Grabien Staff


LEVIN: “Now they do it for different reasons and they do it in a different way, but it does not change who they are and what they are. They hate the Constitution as they must. as they adopt an increasingly aggressive Marxist ideology. And this party is an autocratic party. An autocratic party. It does not care how it gets power. What was done to Donald Trump in that courtroom, in addition to everything you heard, is an attempt to nullify the federal constitution, due process, equal protection. That's what took place. The Democrat Party is the new Confederacy. That's right. It was the old Confederacy, now it's the new Confederacy. Reverse federalism where a judge and a prosecutor steal the jurisdictional power of the federal government and all that implies, the Constitution, federal election laws, and these entire processes. That is reverse federalism. That is nullification. That is the new Confederacy. That is what Joe Biden, the old Confederate, and that's what his Marxist supporters now support. This needs to be fought."

(Via Mediaite)

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