
Mark Levin Slams Josh Shapiro’s ‘Disgusting, Pathetic’ DNC Convention Speech Calling Trump an Anti-Semite

‘You are a gutless wonder’
By Grabien Staff


LEVIN: "Josh Shapiro, I hear you are Jewish. You're the Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, you were overlooked by Kamala Harris and her party. You went up and you gave a speech, a disgusting, pathetic speech, and you accused Donald Trump of using anti-Semitic tropes. Let me tell you something, Josh Shapiro. You are a gutless wonder. As the Jewish American governor of Pennsylvania, you should have gotten up on that podium and you should have made a Martin Luther King-like speech to your party that you would not tolerate the growing anti-Semitism in your party. You should have called out Tlaib and Omar and AOC and Bernie Sanders by name. You should have condemned the fact that your candidate for vice president, Tim Walz, embraced not just any imam; an imam who supports the evisceration of the state of Israel, which means the extermination of the Israeli Jews. You did not say a damn thing about that. You should have spoken up about your presidential nominee, who you wanted to run with. How dare she not undertake her function as a president of the Senate to welcome the prime minister of Israel into the halls of Congress. She meets secretly with the mayor of Dearborn, who is an Israel hater. She will meet with anybody, but she would not meet with him? Tell me, Josh, what have you done for the Jewish community?”

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