
Mary Ann Mendoza: When Was the Last Time a Politician Stood Up for an American Citizen with a Press Conference?

‘They are quick to have a press conference an talk about the children separated from the border’
By Grabien Staff


MENDOZA: "Well, first of all, I want to offer my condolences to the Tibbetts family. I know exactly what they are going through. It will be weeks before they come out of the fog that it creates in your life. This has reopened a lot of wounds for many of us angel families. We have been talking on the phone. Just really being there to reassure each other that it is much more apparent that we have to get tougher on our fight. What I would really ask the elected official in Senate and Congress and going all the way down to the city and state officials who are creating sanctuary policies. Look yourselves in the mirror. And ask you what would you be doing if your daughter or your son was killed in the way that mollie Tibbetts was or any of the other, any of the other children and loved ones with the angel families. Look yourself in the face, in the mirror and ask yourself are you proud of the fact that you are creating the actual laws and the sanctuary policies that are protecting the criminals in our country. When was the last time you had a fuse conference and stood up for your fellow American citizen who was killed or harmed by an illegal alien? They are quick to have a press conference an talk about the children separated from the border but when was the last time you saw a politician stand up for an American citizen and have a press conference? When?"

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