
Matthew Dowd: Speaker Johnson ‘Is Way Worse than Donald Trump’

‘It’s absolutely amazing to me that with trying to remove Donald Trump, they heightened Mike Johnson’
By Grabien Staff


DOWD: “All of those sorts of things, broaden the campaign as big as possible. And don’t get dragged down into the mud pit. And where the Republicans want you to go about forcing you to sort of pick a culture of either a multiculturalism or one culture of white America, whatever it is. Do not allow them to drag you into this sort of cultural basement that they want to drag everybody down into. And the third thing I say is, I’ll reiterate what Claire just said. Mike Johnson, more people are going to know about Mike Johnson by November of 2024 — many people are going to know about Mike Johnson as they know about Donald Trump. It’s absolutely amazing to me that with trying to remove Donald Trump, they heightened Mike Johnson, who on many ways is way worse than Donald Trump.”

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