
McCaskill: GOP Trying to Indict Biden ‘For Loving His Son Who Has Been Addicted to Drugs’

‘That, I think, doesn’t fly with most of the American people’
By Grabien Staff


McCASKILL: "Well, they’re going to keep doing what they have been doing. They are going to try to indict a father for loving his son, who has been addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, without evidence of the father doing anything other than loving that son. And that, I think, doesn’t fly with most of the American people. It may fly within that small, calcified circle of the Trumpers who want to believe that somehow Joe Biden was involved in nefarious dealings, but there is no evidence. And believe me, if there was evidence, Durham, who was left in place, as you pointed out, by President Biden, would’ve found it. And certainly Weiss, who was left in place by President Biden, would have found it. And I do not believe for a minute that either one of those federal prosecutors that have the resources of DoJ at their disposal would have found evidence if it was there that would’ve shown any problem of Joe Biden. So, this is a dog that won’t hunt.”

(Via Breitbart)

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