
McCaskill: ‘We Finally Have Rudy Giuliani Indicted, Woo-Hoo!’

‘That makes me very happy’
By Grabien Staff


MCCASKILL: “Now, the other difference here, Nicolle, that people need to remember is how quickly can these cases get to trial? The good news is we finally have Rudy Giuliani indicted. Woo-hoo! That makes me very happy. On the other hand, the bad news is, that there’s going to be probably a protracted battle about removing this to federal court. Could easily go to the Supreme Court as to whether or not this case is removed from the state court to federal court. It wasn’t in Manhattan, but remember, the acts when he was indicted in Manhattan happened before the presidency. That’s a pretty clear line it was an official act. These acts he’s going to try to argue that he was doing his duty as the executive to try to make sure the election was right and fair. That’s what he’s going to allege as his basis for trying to remove this to federal court. And those arguments could take a while. I think it’s very unrealistic for Fani Willis to think she can try this case in six months. I don’t think you can get to the Supreme Court and back in that time potentially, depending on how quickly they move.”

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