
Megyn Kelly: Hannity Is Not the Answer At 8pm, He Hasn’t Been the Answer At 9pm Since Tucker Left

‘They need a voice like Tucker’s and even that’s probably not going to do it because the audience very angry and they miss Tucker’
By Grabien Staff


KELLY: “I will submit for the record, this isn’t it. This is not it. They need a voice like Tucker's, and even that’s probably not going to do it because the audience is very angry and they miss Tucker. But Hannity is not the answer at 8:00. He’s not the answer at 8:00. He hasn’t been the answer at 9:00 lately, since Tucker left. We’ve been following the ratings, they’re hemorrhaging at 8:00 and 9:00, where currently Sean is at right now. And just by way of numbers in that we now have it up to four weeks, the four weeks prior to Tucker’s departure, he was averaging a 3.3 million in the overall, now it’s less than half, they’re averaging 1.5 million, so less than half than what Tucker got. He was averaging a 429,000 in the demo, 25- to 54-year-olds, they’re now pulling in 152,000 in that time slot. And Hannity is not much better, he’s at 158,000 in the demo, down about half from 308,000. And his overall is down significantly, too. All double-digit falls. So, you know, the audience will have the last say on whether these are the solutions, but right now they’re still very, very angry at Fox News and Fox hasn’t done much to assuage their concerns or make them feel better about firing their top star who remains under contract, but silenced. That is, of course, Tucker Carlson.”

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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