
Mehdi Hasan Claims It’s ‘Dangerous Myth’ to Say that There Were Learning Losses During Covid and that School Closures Were Avoidable

‘Those are dangerous myths’
By Grabien Staff


HASAN: “Millions of kids across the country are heading back to school right now. My own two daughters went back to school this week. It's the fourth new school year since the Coronavirus burst onto the scene and turned our world upside down. But it's the first school year since President Biden declared an end to the pandemic, since both the U.S. and the WHO declared an end to the Coronavirus public health emergency. So am I glad schools are back up and running again? Yes. Am I glad that Covid cases and hospitalizations are down from the record highs of 2022? Yes, of course. Although I should point out that Covid cases are going up again. And last week, more than 12,000 people were hospitalized with Covid in this country. Covid has not gone, and our kids, in particular, are still at risk of infection, of reinfection, of long-term harm, and yes, of death. Today, I want to address this thorny and very emotive issue of kids, schools and Covid, because we have seen a blatant and bad faith rewriting of history on this issue, from a lot of people who should know better. And so I think this today, what you're about to watch is one of the most important deep dives I've ever done on this show. Because the myths about children and Covid, that kids aren't really harmed by it, that school closures were a massive and avoidable mistake, that they caused learning loss and mental health issues, those myths, and they are myths, dangerous myths have endured for so long, become so ingrained, so pervasive, that they're not just something Fox viewers believe, I'm sure many of you watching at home have, sadly come to accept many of these myths as true. So we need to reassert what the actual truth of the matter is, especially if we are to be prepared for the next pandemic when it inevitably comes, and especially if we are to protect and not abandon our kids right now as they return to school.”



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