
Michael Mann on Tropical Storm Hilary, Hawaii: ‘This Is Climate Change’

‘We’re seeing it in all of its forms’
By Grabien Staff


MANN: “The governor laid it out actually pretty clearly, you know, this is climate change. We're seeing it now in all of its forms, in, you know, the wildfires in Canada, what happened in Maui, the flooding rains that we're now seeing in California, you see greater extremes at both ends of the spectrum. A warmer ocean puts more moisture into the atmosphere. So when you get rainfall, you get larger amounts of it, you get more of these flooding events. But warmer soils evaporate more moisture. So you get worse drought over the land regions of the subtropics in the mid latitudes. And so, you know, this is it. Greater extremes at both ends of the spectrum, whether it's this very rare hurricane, and you know, the statistics of Pacific hurricanes, hurricanes that sort of go in that direction are small enough, that when we use models to estimate, you know, how likely they are, it's sort of hard to really establish whether there's a trend or not, because there's such rare events. But what we can talk about is the huge amount of moisture, the huge amount of rainfall, and that's what this storm, that's the real threat that it poses.”


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