
Michael Steele: ‘Republicans Talk About the Mexican Border — There Is a More Important Border Between Democracy and Fascism’

‘We’re up against an existential threat in fascism’
By Grabien Staff


STEELE: "What you said there I think was important. The passion for it, what you say, the way you said it, the idea of walking the streets. That’s how I learned politics. Abraham Lincoln, founder of my party, emphasized that aspect of politics, that personal relationship. That’s where I think the Democrats have the strength of the argument. But they’ve got to get on the streets to make it happen, particularly with young voters with this generation that’s more animated and engaged than prior young generations. How do you get those pieces together? We are against a threat in fascism at the border of the United States. Republicans talk about the Mexican border. There is a more important border between democracy and fascism."

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