
Michael Steele Says He’s ‘a Republican Who’s in This Fight to Try to Save the Country from the Stupid’

‘How do you guys get through this?’
By Grabien Staff


STEELE: "Michael, it’s really interesting to me to be quite honest, you know, people complaining that the president gave an answer and made it about himself. Who is being attacked here? He is the one who is being attacked by his own people. So, I’ve got to go back to the quote that senator Fetterman gave on Friday. I can’t think of a single situation were panicking or freaking out has made the situation better or for god sakes, Democrats get a spine and grow a pair. One or the other. At some point, your team has got to figure out how to chill out, and reconnect them refocus the campaign. You have given us numbers that are showing, despite everything we’ve seen happen since Thursday, Joe Biden is holding his own and gaining ground and in some cases leading in battleground states. There are only five or six states that matter and everyone knows it. So, how do you handle this, the rest of this?”

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