
Mika Brzezinski on Biden Stepping Down: On Many Levels, I’m Really Sad

‘Democrats really have a moment of momentum here, and my hope is that they grab it and run with it’
By Grabien Staff


BRZEZINSKI: "Well, obviously on many levels, I'm -- I'm really sad. Joe Biden is a patriot. I love him. I love his family. And I love what he's done for the country. He had authenticity and touch. Whether you you know, saw it or not, but everything about him even sometimes, the stutter in the bumbling was part of the touch, part of this sort of empathic, very loving, very clear, clear-eyed touch that he had that allowed him and enabled him to be an effective president. But all of that turned against him after the debate for all the reasons that we discussed, and he would say, 'No time to complain about it. Let's move on. It's go time.' And Democrats really have a moment of momentum here and my hope is that they grab it and run with it, get unified, get organized, get coordinated, no more infighting.”


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