
Mika Brzezinski on Columbia Protests: This Does Look Like Jan 6

‘Their colleges and universities are going to have no choice but to expel them and ruin their future’
By Grabien Staff


BRZEZINSKI: "Richard, to your point, I think that’s where we’ve all — that’s the place we’ve all been sitting in, watching this, going, 'What the hell is going on? What are these universities doing? Why aren’t they doing something?' And I’ll echo the horror that this does look like January 6th. What a terrible example for our students. At the same time, these are young adults. The question is, why do you choose to learn about the complexities of other situations around the world, but this one, you want to set up an encampment; this one, you want to scare people; this one, you want to come to the edge of violence or even go to violence."

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