
Miranda Devine: Hunter Thumbed His Nose at Congress Only Because He Knows He Has His Father’s Pardon Power in His Back Pocket

‘Steve Bannon has been convicted and sentenced to four months in jail’
By Grabien Staff


DEVINE: “The January 6 Committee famously had contempt proceedings brought against Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro for failing to comply with a subpoena. Peter Navarro was arrested in airport, thrown in jail, thrown in leg irons. And Steve Bannon has been convicted and sentenced to four months in jail. So if -- if -- you know, the Republicans need to be at least as tough as the Democrats where when they were running that sham J6 sort of trial. So I -- I hope that they do that, and they need to do that. And, you know, Hunter Biden -- I mean, it's extraordinary that he thumbed his nose the way he did at Congress, and you can only think that the reason that he did that was because he knows that he has his father's pardon power in his back pocket.”


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