
‘Moment of Real Triumph’ for Trump: MSNBC Legal Analyst Argues Michael Cohen’s Testimony Today Badly Hurt the Prosecution

‘This is a moment of real triumph for Todd Blanche, you could even hear it in his voice’
By Grabien Staff


RUBIN: “That makes the district attorney’s office look sloppy, in addition to making Michael Cohen seem like either a self-assured fabricator, liar, or forgetful person. It casts doubt on the veracity of a ton of his testimony, not just who he did or didn’t talk to on Oct. 24 or Oct. 26. It casts lots of his testimony in doubt given the passage of time, and makes the district attorney’s office look terrible all in one breath. This is a moment of real triumph for Todd Blanche, you could even hear it in his voice. He is not a person to get excitable very easily.”

(Via Mediaite)

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