
Montage: 10 Reasons MSNBC Should Have Canned Harris-Perry Ages Ago

By Grabien Staff

Today's news that NBC officially severed ties with its anchor Melissa Harris-Perry got us thinking: How did she ever get a TV show in the first place? And how did it last this long? Did MSNBC execs even realize it was on the air?

Watching the show always felt like accidentally stumbling into a group therapy session in progress. The show's format involved Harris-Perry gathering a group of like-minded media personalities ostensibly to validate whatever feelings she felt like sharing. 

Along the way, Harris-Perry let loose the kind of bizarre antics that would have resulted in lesser anchors getting canned. Here are 10 we found particularly noteworthy:

10. When she cut off a guest for praising Paul Ryan's "hard work" as he apparently was unaware "hard work" is a racist phrase.

9. The MSNBC promo in which she argued for state ownership of children. 

8. After the George Zimmerman verdict, she said she wished her sons didn't exist (as it's "not safe"). 

7. The show in which she argued cops are scarier than ISIS or Ebola. 

6. After the Baltimore riots, she made the case that "arson and looting" are not violent acts.

5. When Mark Cuban said he walks away from people on the street who appear menacing, Harris-Perry used that as a news peg to compare the NBA to slavery.  

4. During a segment on 'Star Wars,' she lamented the racist undertones of the entire series. 

3. After President Obama announced "normalization" with Cuba, Harris-Perry worried Cuba might be ruined ... by American tourists.

2. After a Muslim Oklahoma man attacked his colleagues and beheaded his boss, Harris-Perry said it was a case of "workplace violence." 

1. And the moment that will cement her legacy in the basement of MSNBC's ratings cellar: After Rep. Wendy Davis filibustered proposed regulations on abortion providers in Texas, Harris-Perry showed her solidarity by ... wearing tampons as earrings. (It's a long story.) 

Check out the montage above for a stroll down memory lane. Thanks for the memories, MPH!

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