
Montage Showcases Ubiquitousness of Pfizer Sponsoring U.S. Major Media

‘Brought to you by Pfizer’


"'CNN Tonight' brought to you by Pfizer."
"'Early Start' brought to you by Pfizer."
"Friday night on 'Erin Burnett Out Front,' brought brought to you by Pfizer."
"'This Week with George Stephanopoulos' is brought to you by Pfizer."
"This weather report brought to you by Pfizer."
"Today’s 'Countdown to the Royal Wedding' is brought to you by Pfizer."
"And now CBS Sports Update, brought to you by Pfizer."
"'Meet the Press' data download brought to you by Pfizer."
"This portion of 'CBS This Morning' sponsored by Pfizer."
"...on how to find the hidden sugars in the American family diet, sponsored by Pfizer."

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