
Morning Joe Compares I.C.E to the Fugitive Slave Act

‘So now we have I.C.E, the crisis of I.C.E, we have people trying to protect their family members from being snatched from them’
By Grabien Staff


GLAUDE: "This is Eddie Glaude, I wanted to ask a question. Let me frame it in this way, I want to ask a question about the moral crisis that I.C.E has put the nation in. In the 1850s particularly 1850,  there was the fugitive slave law. And because the fugitive slave law did what it did suddenly the issue of slavery was nationalized. It wasn't just in the South, now it was a moral question that even Emerson had to confront in Massachusetts. So now we have I.C.E, the crisis of I.C.E, we have people trying to protect their family members from being snatched from them. This fear that you talked about, how has I.C.E this 248% increase of jail transfers to 42% increase in arrests how has this created a kind of moral crisis that is nationalized now, that is not a kind of local issue?"

(Via NewsBusters)

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