
‘Morning Joe’ Defends Biden’s Fitness: Everything You See with Your Own Eyes Is ‘Debunked’ Misinformation

‘Those on the right are trying to make it look like Biden is out of his mind’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: "Well, and, you know, it's — Jonathan’s right, you have to start asking are these coming on high when you have the same news organization doing what Jonathan just said, deliberately lying about a shot, cropping it in the way they know they’re lying to the readers, right? And that comes about a week after a Wall Street Journal story that they know is misleading. No reasonable person could not know it’s misleading. And again, why we bring this up, we bring it up just to say this: We’ve now just expanded far out from just deep fakes on Twitter/X, other social media, TikTok, to now deep fakes, or cheap fakes even, in the New York Post and other publications."

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