
‘Morning Joe’ Guest: Trump’s Bigotry and Racism Can Lead to a ‘Horrible Civil War’

‘We cannot allow this to happen’


JEAN-PIERRE: "Yeah, Joe. So on January 20, 2017, Donald Trump put his hand on The Bible technically two bibles and took the oath of the presidency to be a president for all of us. And since that day, since that moment, every hour he seems to just prove that to be wrong. Right? He is not a president for black people. He’s not a president for women. He’s not a president for brown people. He’s not a president for the LGBTQQ community. He chooses to double down and triple down on bigotry and racism. And now what we are seeing in 2019, a modern day president who is choosing to use racism, division, hatred to win thinking he’s going to win 2020 with that. And so I say to folks who are watching, we cannot allow this to happen. We have to figure out who are we as a country moving forward. Who are we? Do we want this? Right? Because all of this is going to come down to November 2020. And I say to Republicans, especially Republicans’ leadership, please, speak up. Enough is enough. We are a young democracy we really are. You know? I was really struck by what Ignatius was saying, David Ignatius was saying. I don’t know where Donald Trump wants to take this. But wherever it is it’s going to be dangerous. It could lead to a horrible civil war. You know, this is — he is testing us. He’s testing the democracy. He’s shredding the Constitution.” 

(h/t Mediaite

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