
‘Morning Joe’ Panel Goes on Rant Against Trump for Confusing Jeb Bush with George W. Bush

‘These red flags, these verbal missteps, only picked up in the last weeks’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: "I mean, he's projecting. He usually projects himself onto people that he’s running against. Now he’s going out and project projecting himself on whales. So, yes, Donald, it’s the whales who are crazy right now. It's the whales that are -- but think about this. It goes back to what we said yesterday, which is, Joe Biden is sitting there playing by Marquess of Queensberry rules and going, 'The GDP is going to rise by 2.49.' I mean, that’s how I talk, okay? But I’m not running for anything. He needs to do better, all right? He needs to start hitting Donald Trump back. There’s a reason why those polls are looking the way they are, because they all talk about Biden being too old. Biden needs to start talking about Trump being too old. Listen, this is not hard to do. He doesn’t have to wait for the writers to get off the picket lines to write his material. Because everybody, this is what Donald Trump thinks and what he’s thought over the last two weeks: That he ran a primary contest against George W. Bush in 2016 and he beat him, even though George W. Bush had gotten us into the Middle East. And then he thinks, alternatively, that he ran the general election in 2016 against Barack Obama. And he said last week, 'Nobody thought we could beat Barack Obama, but we did.' He stumbled around with Obama’s name, and then he went on to say he beat -- he was going to beat -- oh, no, that he beat Barack Obama in 2020, as well.”

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