
‘Morning Joe’: War in Ukraine Is Trump’s Fault

‘Donald Trump blocked those weapons to go to Ukraine because he said that he wanted Zelenskyy to get dirt on his political opponent and on his political opponent’s family’
By Grabien Staff


SCARBOROUGH: "Again, just to speak slowly to Trumpists that still like believe in conspiracy theories about the first impeachment, Congress passed legislation to send defensive weapons to Ukraine. Donald Trump blocked those weapons to go to Ukraine, because he said he wanted Zelenskyy to get dirt on his political opponent and on his political opponent's family. That's the guy that says, 'Oh, I could end this in a day.' Zelenskyy said he had hundreds of days to end this ongoing conflict since 2014. He never did it. In fact, he did just the opposite. He actually blocked Congress initially when they were trying to send weapons to Ukraine."

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