
Moskowitz on Netanyahu’s Potential Arrest: When Assad Killed 300,000 Civilians, Did the ICC Go After Them?

‘No, they didn’t because they said Syria was not a party to the ICC’
By Grabien Staff


MOSKOWITZ: "Obviously, hindsight is trying 20 we are here where we are today. I’m for putting sanctions back in place, I am for Congress asked — acting in a bipartisan basis. Let state facts here. When asad killed 300,000 civilian using chemical weapons if you recall which was a red line for this country. Did the ICC go after Assad? No, they didn’t because they said Syria was not a party to the ICC. People have asked them to look at the human rights violation in China, have they gone after China? No. The ICC has specifically said China is not a party to the ICC. But is Israel a party to the ICC? They are knots and yet they are now going after Israel. This is totally political. They have no jurisdiction we might as well call them the Harry potter and ministry of magic. They are relevant because Israel is not a party to their treaty. So this is pressure unfortunately from the international community that wants to see no more Israel. They are using the ICC to go ahead and do that and I think the United States need to respond in a strongly partisan way which is why you were seeing Democrats and Republicans in the House and the Senate and the Biden administration coming together hopefully we will get this done when we come back from break."

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