
MSNBC Guest: Elon Musk Is ‘Abusing His Privileged Position to Sow Disinformation’

‘...that generates discord and distrust in the electoral process’
By Grabien Staff


AHMED: “None of the posts display the community note, which is odd, because Mr. Musk says that community notes, the sort of the self-regulation scheme for posting, is a way of ensuring that it’s an immediate way to refute anything false, are the exact words he said. None of them carried one of those community notes, and begs the question, is he suppressing notes on his own posts — [inaudible] his own users. But it does appear clear that he’s abusing his privileged position to sow disinformation that generates discord and distrust in the electoral process. Precisely the kind of conspiracy theories that lead them to, you know, atrocious assaults on election workers and the kinds of things that the Secretary of State was just talking about.”

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