MILLS: “I think it was extremely clever and I really appreciate the NAACP’s guidance on this issue. You know, I just took my family to spring break in Florida recently. And I think about all of the folks who travel there for sun and joy and peace and restoration. And to be reminded that actually this is getting to the point where Florida is about to be a terrorist state to many of us here in America. Certainly, as a lesbian, as a black woman, I don’t want to have anything to do with the place. And I think about all the other people who don’t want to travel there either. So, I think it was very clever on behalf of the NAACP, I thank them for issuing this broad guidance. And really, what it does is it turns a remarkable, I think, lens, on the United States and highlights how bigotry and bias and ignorance do as much harm as we accuse other countries of doing to people that they suppress.”