
MSNBC: Hard to Believe the Secret Service Can’t Track Down the Person Who Brought Cocaine into the W.H.

‘There are a lot of cameras in this White House’
By Grabien Staff


DANIELS: “And we have been told, Politico, by Secret Service folks for days that we may never know who is the person who left this behind, dropped it, it fell out their bag, threw it away, whatever the case may be, which you talk to folks who used to work in the White House, they find that a little bit hard to believe. There are a lot of cameras everywhere in this White House, so they're hopeful that cleans it up, but this is not a White House that wants to have any conversation about cocaine, where it was, for obvious reasons. It’s not a good look for any White House, but especially this one with all the conspiracy theories that are surrounding this issue and the Cocainegate, I guess, as some people have been calling it online."
GEIST: "As you say, lots of cameras in that building. Hard to believe they can’t track down who it belongs to. But we will see."

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