
MSNBC Interviews President of The Heritage Foundation: ‘Project 2025 Is Something That’s Going to Transcend the Next 4 Years, the Next 10 Years’

‘We have offered a briefing of Project 2025, dating back to last year, to every candidate for presidency’
By Grabien Staff


ROBERTS: "I appreciate your question. When you walk into your lobby, you have the words honesty and accuracy. That is an honest and accurate depiction. We appreciate that. Secondly, we have offered a briefing of Project 2025, dating back to last year, to every candidate for presidency, including President Biden. Honest-to-goodness, I would be thrilled if President Biden’s team asked for a briefing. We understand we have different his own opinion on just about everything but I’d heritage we believe in telling the truth with a smile on her face. The last point I should make is that now that former President Trump is the nominee and President Biden has not taken a project 2025 briefing, President Trump will talk about policies in his administration, if he wins. Project 2025 is something that will transcend the next four years, the next 10 years. It is the first time in the conservative history movement is that these are the most important things to remember."

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