
MSNBC: New Audio Reveals Trump Knows He Lost 2020 Election

‘A remarkable slip of the mask’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “No, I don’t think so. He is, uh — after I lost the election — I won the election, but when they said we lost — he called me up three or four times. I didn’t take his call because I was so busy fighting it, you know, with — with what went on. And we’ve caught them, I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but you will. But he called me up three or four times. And finally, I had a little time, I called him back. And he went on Fox and he started talking about ‘the president called me.’ I didn’t call him. I returned his phone call. And he started talking very personally about how I was feeling, how I was doing. And I said that’s really a betrayal. I didn’t talk about how I was feeling. I just was on the phone call that lasted very quickly. Just, ‘hey, how you doing, Geraldo? How’s it going?’ It’s not my deal — he’s not my psychiatrist. But he made it sound like it was such a big deal. It was a nothing. All I did was return his call, but he said ‘the president called me,’ like I’m reaching out to him. And I haven’t spoken to him since.”

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