
MSNBC Panel: ‘Fascinating’ to Watch Men of the Dem Party Model the 21st Century Masculinity

‘This is about modern masculinity’
By Grabien Staff


REID: "And by the way, I love that you're saying that because this is about modern masculinity. In the Democratic Party, the coach that is saying it's important for him as a football coach to be the faculty partner for the LGBTQ club — "

WAGNER: "The gay-straight alliance."

REID: " — the gay-straight alliance, he's like, 'That's something important for me to do because if a coach is doing it, it will have just a little more salience and it will help kids not get bullied.' I mean, what’s really been fascinating is to watch the men of the Democratic Party model a kind of masculinity that is certainly 21st century masculinity."

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