
MSNBC Panel on Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote: ‘So We’re Going to Show Proof to Miss Susie at the Polling Place?’

‘Are we asking people to bring their papers? This is America’
By Grabien Staff


SANDERS: “This is — I feel like I say this all the time, this is insane because it is already — it is not legal to vote if you are not a citizen of the United States of America. Congress has already — like, they already passed legislation for that way back before, you know, I could even go to school, okay? Back in the, like, ‘90s I think they did this, right, Michael? I don’t know. Michael is old enough to be my father, we joke about this all the time. So now, according to, after Donald Trump and his insurrection buddy, the speaker of the House Mike Johnson, after they had their meeting, now, apparently House Republicans are going to pursue legislation requiring proof of citizenship to vote. My question is, who — so we’re going to show proof to Miss Susie at the polling place? How is Miss Susie going to verify? Are we asking people to bring their papers? This is America.”

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