
MSNBC Panel on Viral Clip of Biden at G7: ‘Right-Wing Outlets’ Put It Out There; ‘You Would Think that Joe Biden Was Just a Doddering Old Man’

‘Wait until we get into the meat of this campaign and the hard right starts throwing out AI versions of their reality’
By Grabien Staff


SANDERS: "We are just sitting here, chatting is a continuation of the last question we asked joyce about, why Republicans want the audio, the potential to manipulated on the American people who understand that that is kind of like the game that they are playing, and we have seen it in so many instances just this week. Not the audio manipulation, because they don’t have it, and they are likely not to get it, but who knows, but you see these videos of Joe Biden at the G7 and we will have it for folks and he is at the G7 police paratroopers are landing, and in the clip that went viral from the RNC and the New York Post and all of these right-wing outlets that put it out there, you would think that Joe Biden was just a doddering old man, he had to be yanked back by the Italian leader."

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